Milk Round Software

User information please before download!

The purpose of this information is to make sure you are getting the best service.

Should an error get through our testing we need to know who has got which system.

For new or "would be users" we may call you to get your views and to iron out any problems you may be having.

We do NOT get involved in hard selling! The information provided will be held in the strictest confidence.

Name *(required)
Email Address *(required)
(most important we will email you should the system have bugs or we need to contact you)
Telephone Number*(required)
(including country code if not UK)
Please enter any additional comments
regarding our products or service.
(if you want action/reply please send an email)
as comments are only looked at weekly.

Thank you for taking the time to answer these questions.

If nothings happens after pressing "Continue with Download" you have set the your level of security too high. Doyou have "In Private" set? then turn it off! Is you security level too high? On your browser go to Tools - Internet Options - Security - Custom Level - Set a lower level!

Steve Hall.
Copyright © 1988-2024 Milk Round Software. All rights reserved.
Revised: March 18th, 2024.